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OPIS Engineering k.s. Selská 64
61400 Brno  Czech Republic
Tel: +420 543 330 055
GSM: +420 734 150 808
Email: info@opis.cz



A standby warehouse and a team of service personnel are available to solve your drive problems both on-site and at the customer's site. The company holds a certificate of quality system certification according to ISO EN ČSN 9001: 2009 and BEST (Bonfiglioli excellent service team)


 We provide repair and provide spare parts:

Individual types (construction) of application
  • Electric Motors:
Types Bonfiglioli, Siemens, Perske, Soga
In the Czech, Slovak and Germany  
Types of motors (AC and DC) servomotors, stepper motors and BLDC Motors
Repairs of VECTRON inverters
  • Installation of drives 
Service and diagnostics of mechanical drives and frequency Inverters: Practical knowledge.


